[:en]The final stage of “UMNIK-MARINET” has been held from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad[:ru]Состоялся финальный этап отбора конкурса «УМНИК-Маринет»[:]
[:en]On December 22 and 23, the final stage of the “UMNIK-MARINET” competition, organized by the Foundation for Support of Innovations (FSI) in cooperation with MARINET, was completed. Students, young scientists, entrepreneurs and employees of high-tech companies aged 18 to 30, took part in the competition. The winners of the “UMNIK-MARINET” competition will receive a grant of 500 thousand rubles.
Applications for research in priority areas of MARINET include new technologies and materials for shipbuilding, marine robotics, e-Navigation technology, underwater sensors and underwater exploration technologies, marine biotechnology, solutions for ensuring environmental safety, new technologies for training personnel for the maritime industry and others. Young researchers from all over the country took part in the competition: from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Ufa to Taganrog. Traditionally, many applications were submitted by participants from the maritime capital of Russia, St. Petersburg. (more…)