[:en]The final stage of “UMNIK-MARINET” has been held from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad[:ru]Состоялся финальный этап отбора конкурса «УМНИК-Маринет»[:]

[:en]On December 22 and 23, the final stage of the “UMNIK-MARINET” competition, organized by the Foundation for Support of Innovations (FSI) in cooperation with MARINET, was completed. Students, young scientists, entrepreneurs and employees of high-tech companies aged 18 to 30, took part in the competition. The winners of the “UMNIK-MARINET” competition will receive a grant of 500 thousand rubles.

Applications for research in priority areas of MARINET include new technologies and materials for shipbuilding, marine robotics, e-Navigation technology, underwater sensors and underwater exploration technologies, marine biotechnology, solutions for ensuring environmental safety, new technologies for training personnel for the maritime industry and others. Young researchers from all over the country took part in the competition: from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Ufa to Taganrog. Traditionally, many applications were submitted by participants from the maritime capital of Russia, St. Petersburg. (more…)

[:en]Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime University will train specialists in a-Navigation[:ru]Морской университет им. адм. Г.И. Невельского будет готовить специалистов по а-Навигации[:]

18 декабря в Южно-Сахалинске под патронатом губернатора Валерия Лимаренко два ведущих вуза Дальнего Востока в области морских технологий – Морской государственный университет имени адмирала Г.И. Невельского и Сахалинский государственный университет – и судоходная компания «Морспецсервис» подписали соглашение подготовке специалистов автономной навигации (a-Навигации).

Соглашение предусматривает разработку программ обучения и подготовку специалистов по а-Навигации, начиная, с 2021 года, в том числе практические занятия на автономных судах «Морспецсервиса». (more…)

[:en]Сhina-Russia symposium on hydroacoustics and information technologies – Nov, 28, 2020[:ru]Российско-китайская конференция по гидроакустике и ИТ – 28-29 ноября[:]


A joint conference of Russian and Chinese scientists, engineers and companies dedicated to hydroacoustic and information technologies will be held on November 28 and 29 in a combined face-to-face and remote format.

The conference is organized by Harbin University of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University and MARINET with the organizational support of the Department of Informatics of the Committee of the State Science Foundation of China.

To participate in the conference in a remote format, please use the Zoom video conference:
number: 874 9137 2334
password: 378208

The conference will be open on November 28 at 8:00 (Beijing time), the conference program is presented below.


[:en]Shipping companies have started a-Navigation testing in real conditions[:ru]Судоходные компании приступили к испытаниям БЭС-КФ в реальных условиях[:]


Participants of the pilot project on automatic and remote navigation (a-Navigation, ARNTP) began testing a set of technical means in real conditions.

The tests are made during the regular operation of Rosmorport, Sovcomflot and Paula Group vessels and should be completed by the end of the year.

At the same time draft federal law and government decree on autonomous shipping have been already officially submitted to the government. They will allow the mass operation of autonomous vessels under the Russian flag as a part of a national experiment from 2021 to 2025. Thus, maritime ships can become the first type of autonomous transport allowed for commercial operation in Russia.


[:en]”Russia – the country of sailors of the XXI century” has opened classes[:ru]Начались занятия в рамках проекта «Россия — страна мореходов XXI века»[:]


On October 1, Marine Center of Captain Varukhin (in Velikiy Novgorod) opens new classes as a part of the project “Russia – the country of sailors of the XXI century.” It was launched last year with support of NTI and MARINET; under the project the Marine Center was equipped with modern simulators and navigation equipment on training ships.

About 200 children from Mari El, Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk, Tambov, Kostroma, Vologda, Novgorod regions as well as St. Petersburg entered the first stage of the Ship Operator program. 145 attendees of clubs of young sailors from five regions, who started training last year, passed to the second stage.


[:en]”Glideron” multifunctional drone has been tested in practice in Samara[:ru]В Самаре протестирован многофункциональный дрон «Глайдерон»[:]


Developers from Samara tested a multi-purpose drone “Glideron”, which inspected the underwater part of the railway bridge across the Sok River, according to Interfax.

In the fall of 2017, specialists from the Samara State Technical University (SSTU) together with the Talisman Design Bureau and the Setecentric Platforms NPC began to create a vehicle for operational monitoring of water areas and coastal territory. Its uniqueness in combining of different functionality into a single design: the simultaneous use of technical features of surface and underwater gliders to solve problems of hydrology, hydrography, hydrophysics. The vehicle is able to walk in semi-submersible and underwater mode automatically on the specified route and depth. (more…)

[:en]MARINET opens joint center with Harbin University of Engineering in China[:ru]Маринет открывает совместный с Харбинским инженерным университетом центр в Китае[:]


On September 25, the agreement on cooperation and establishment of Russian-Chinese innovation center for the development of marine technology was signed between MARINET Industry Association, Harbin Engineering University and the Yantai Steering Committee of the Techno-Economic Development Zone / the Steering Committee of the Pilot Free Trade Zone (Shandong) of China.

The purpose of cooperation, according to the signed agreement, is “to integrate the research capabilities of the parties, coordinate joint scientific research in order to industrialize technologies, build long-term and stable cooperation relations, promote the development of marine high technologies, as well as organize and coordinate interaction between research institutions of the two countries in promising areas”. (more…)

[:en]MARINET on-site project education session has opened in Nizhny Novgorod[:ru]Проектная смена Маринет открылась в Нижнем Новгороде для школьников[:]


On September 7, a two-week MARINET project session for schoolchildren has opened in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The session is organized by the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth of the Nizhny Novgorod Region together with Nizhny Novgorod Children’s River Shipping Company in the format of intensive training sessions for schoolchildren under the programs “Ship modeling” and “Marine robotics”.

Program Manager – Dyakov Vladimir Ivanovich, Director of Nizhny Novgorod Children’s River Shipping Company. The camp participants will be 50 schoolchildren of the Nizhny Novgorod region who have passed the competitive selection (presentation of the portfolio, presentation and defense of the project).


[:en]Applications for the competition “UMNIK-Marinet” for young scientists is open[:ru]Открыт прием заявок на конкурс «УМНИК-Маринет» для молодых ученых[:]

[:en]The Foundation for Support of Innovations and MARINET announces the opening of accepting applications for the UMNIK-Marinet competition. Students, graduate students, young scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs and employees of high-tech companies aged 18 to 30 can take part in the competition. The winners of the “UMNIK-Marinet” competition will receive a grant of 500 thousand rubles for two years.


[:en]MASS and USV test water area “Drone” opened by the administration of Volgo-Balt[:ru]Тестовая акватория “Беспилотник” открыта администрацией “Волго-Балт”[:]


The Volgo-Balt administration has created Russia’s first official test water area on inland waterways for testing unmanned vehicles and vessels. The test water area “Drone” is intended for testing and testing technologies for unmanned navigation.

The test area includes two test sites:
– in the eastern part of Lake Ladoga;
– on 1371 km of the Neva River in St. Petersburg (note SeaNews: apparently, this means 1371 km of the Volga-Baltic route).
