[:en]Prototype of a marine power complex “Diving wing” using the energy of underwater currents[:ru]Прототип морского энергетического комплекса, использующего энергию подводных течений, «Ныряющее крыло»[:]
[:en]The project focused on the implementation of the road map Marinette to develop the energy resources of the ocean. In ocean currents (surface and deep) are concentrated huge reserves of kinetic energy (about 7.2 – 1012 kWh/year) that can be converted into electricity. The development of only 0.1% of the energy potential of the ocean can provide energy for 15 billion people. The entire area of the World ocean cross currents having different directions and speeds.
There are a large number of oceanic currents with flow rates from 0.4 to 1 m/s, which modern developers gidroenergostroy not even considered, as it is believed that the use of energy data trends are not yet commercially profitable, as at the present time there are no technical solutions for efficient energy conversion low flow velocities. At these low velocities the use of traditional transducers kinetic energy of the flow of water in a mechanical – hydraulic turbines – is ineffective. (more…)