[:en]Prototype of a marine power complex “Diving wing” using the energy of underwater currents[:ru]Прототип морского энергетического комплекса, использующего энергию подводных течений, «Ныряющее крыло»[:]

[:en]The project focused on the implementation of the road map Marinette to develop the energy resources of the ocean. In ocean currents (surface and deep) are concentrated huge reserves of kinetic energy (about 7.2 – 1012 kWh/year) that can be converted into electricity. The development of only 0.1% of the energy potential of the ocean can provide energy for 15 billion people. The entire area of the World ocean cross currents having different directions and speeds.

There are a large number of oceanic currents with flow rates from 0.4 to 1 m/s, which modern developers gidroenergostroy not even considered, as it is believed that the use of energy data trends are not yet commercially profitable, as at the present time there are no technical solutions for efficient energy conversion low flow velocities. At these low velocities the use of traditional transducers kinetic energy of the flow of water in a mechanical – hydraulic turbines – is ineffective. (more…)

[:en]ProFiShip – Technology for high value protein and fat extraction from fish[:ru]ProFiShip – Технология получения высококачественного протеина и жиров из вторичного рыбного и морского сырья[:]

[:en]Our technology for high value protein and fat extraction from fish and other marine processing by-products allows companies to produce high value products and generate additional revenue equal to 200-1000 € from 1 metric ton of by-products.With our technology your company will improve its profitability, capacity load factor, sustainability and create new jobs.

Main products

1. Protein (Fish Protein Hydrolysate) for food & feed additive as well as biotech applications:
i. Dry granulate with protein content > 90%, minerals < 4-5%, fat < 1%, dry matter > 97%, high value protein for food/feed additives and biotech applications
ii. Fluid concentrate with protein content > 50% for feed applications (pigs, breeding sows, ducks, geese etc.) (more…)

[:en]Complex maritime robotic system for the offshore operations[:ru]Комплексная морская роботизированная система для обеспечения работ на шельфе[:]

[:en]Complex maritime robotic system provides the interaction of the underwater, surface and air unmanned vehicles (groups of vehicles). Intellectual information management system (IMS) allows to significantly simplify and automate the control of the robots. With the IMS an operator can develop a task (mission), test it, program the functioning of each robot, monitor the process execution and the technical condition of the elements of the complex robotic system, collect and process the incoming information,  quickly correct the actions or change the mission completely. (more…)

[:en]An intellectual dynamic map of the world ocean renewable energy[:ru]Интеллектуальная динамическая карта возобновляемых источников энергии мирового океана[:]

[:en]The main idea of ​​the project is to create information service directly linking suppliers and consumers of renewable energy technologies of the World Ocean. To implement this service, a system will be created that will combine information of different types of the World Ocean energy, technologies and devices for its production, as well as accompanying supporting documentation on legal, technological and economic aspects of creating projects for renewable energy of the World Ocean. (more…)

[:en]Multifrequency traverse-scan sonar for monitoring of marine bioresources in shallow water on technologies of nonlinear acoustics (MTSS)[:ru]Многочастотный гидролокатор траверзного обзора для мониторинга морских биоресурсов на мелководье по технологиям нелинейной акустики (МГТО)[:]

[:en]Multifrequency traverse-scan sonar for monitoring marine bioresources in shallow water using nonlinear acoustics technologies (MTSS) is intended for horizontal location of fish accumulations and single fishes, monitoring of marine bioresources in adverse search and fishing conditions of shallow water.

MTSS is intended for consumers conducting research (search, detection, monitoring, evaluation) and catch of marine bioresources in inland waters and on the offshore shelf.

Currently, only echo sounders (vertical location) are used to detect and monitor bioresources in shallow water. The scanned area of the water space in the echo sounders is very limited. At shallow depths, when the vessel moves, the “scaring effect” has a significant effect on fish behavior. Devices of horizontal location (“conventional” sonars) with a large field of scan are extremely inefficient due to reverberation and multiple reflections of acoustic signals from the bottom and the surface. (more…)

[:en]Multi-channel electro-prospecting streamer for marine engineering surveys[:ru]Многоканальный электроразведочный стример для морских инженерных изысканий[:]

[:en]The purpose of the development is to create a comprehensive technology of effective marine engineering surveys to minimize the risks in construction and operation of technical structures on the shelf: drilling platforms, gas pipelines, etc., which is achieved by studying the bottom sediment with a set of geophysical methods as well as by monitoring these facilities during the period of operation.

The result of the use of these technologies will be creation of an integrated geological and geophysical cross-section down to a depth of 500 meters. In association with seismic and echolocation data, the use of electrical exploration technologies will allow to identify such geo-electric heterogeneities in the upper part of the cross-section as gas pockets, gas hydrates, zones of permafrost and fault zones. (more…)

[:en]Circular thermoelectric generating module[:ru]Кольцевой термоэлектрический генераторный модуль[:]

[:en]The creation of remote energy sources is a resource-intensive and complex task. There are important questions of necessity to provide long-term operation, reliability and absence of vibrations are sharply raised. Often, such energy sources are discarded in favor of simpler alternatives because of the increased cost of generated energy. But, thanks to the rapid development of semiconductor technologies and an increase in the efficiency of thermoelectric processes, new opportunities have appeared to increase the efficiency of remote systems.

The goal of the project is to create a reliable source of energy for remote marine infrastructure facilities and marine autonomous underwater vehicles. This project implements an innovative device approach of a remote electric power source. Reliability, safety, environmental cleanliness in combination with compact dimensions and high efficiency are ensured. (more…)