[:en]The next MARINET meeting will be held in St. Petersburg on September 19[:ru]Расширенное заседание Маринет 19 сентября в Санкт-Петербурге[:]
[:en]The next MARINET open meeting will be held in St. Petersburg on September 19, 2019. Despite the active participation of representatives of the Russian marine capital in the MARINET, this kind of meeting-conference will be held in St. Petersburg for the first time. Also, for the first time, a new leader of the MARINET, Victor Olersky, will speak with a program of priority actions.
The meeting agenda includes MARINET work results and priority tasks, new projects and initiatives, as well as opportunities for participation and support of projects of regional companies, research centers and universities.
The meeting will take place on September 19, 2019 at 12:00 at the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University: Lotsmankaya Street, 3. All interested developers, manufacturers and consumers of high-tech solutions for the marine industry are invited to participate. (more…)