[:en]The next MARINET meeting will be held in St. Petersburg on September 19[:ru]Расширенное заседание Маринет 19 сентября в Санкт-Петербурге[:]

[:en]The next MARINET open meeting will be held in St. Petersburg on September 19, 2019. Despite the active participation of representatives of the Russian marine capital in the MARINET, this kind of meeting-conference will be held in St. Petersburg for the first time. Also, for the first time, a new leader of the MARINET, Victor Olersky, will speak with a program of priority actions.

The meeting agenda includes MARINET work results and priority tasks, new projects and initiatives, as well as opportunities for participation and support of projects of regional companies, research centers and universities.

The meeting will take place on September 19, 2019 at 12:00 at the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University: Lotsmankaya Street, 3. All interested developers, manufacturers and consumers of high-tech solutions for the marine industry are invited to participate. (more…)

[:en]Victor Olersky is appointed as a new chairman of MARINET Working Group of NTI[:ru]Виктор Александрович Олерский назначен новым руководителем Маринет[:]

[:en]The Government Committee for Modernization of Economics and Innovative Development of Russia appointed Victor Olersky as a new chairman of MARINET Working Group of National Technology Initiative.

Viktor Olersky is a well-known representative of the Russian maritime industry, combining the successful international business experience and experience of statesman responsible for the state policy in water transport area.

He was born on April 26, 1965 in Liepaja, the Latvian SSR. In 1987 graduated from the Leningrad highest engineering sea school of the admiral S.O. Makarov in Radio engineering. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

The professional career started in 1987 as engineer of an ACS of the Baltic sea shipping company.
1991 – 1994 – the chief of agency department, the associate director of Infotek Baltika Ltd.
1994 – 2001 – the director, the commercial director of Infotek Baltika Ltd.
2001 – 2003 – chairman of the board of directors of JSC SK Volga Steam Navigation.
2003 – 2009 – the chairman of the board of directors of JSC North-Western Shipping Company. (more…)

[:en]Summer 2019: MARINET opens a series of educational events for schoolchildren[:ru]Лето-2019: Маринет открывает серию образовательных мероприятий[:]

[:en]The summer of 2019 is becoming one of the most active educational events for schoolchildren by MARINET.

On June 10-28 the first project camp of MARINET was held on the basis of the Skolkovo Innovation Center (Moscow region), on June 27-30 the engineering competition “Solar Regatta” took place in Kazan, including new class of unmanned models on solar batteries.

On July 1, the “Big Challenges” session began in the “Sirius” educational center in Sochi, where MARINET traditionally organizes track “World Ocean and the Arctic Development”. And at the same time the session “The Sea – the Vector of the Future” was started for young navigators from Russia and Canada in the Children’s Center “Orlyonok”. (more…)

[:en]MARINET is developing cooperation with Norwegian partners[:ru]Маринет развивает сотрудничество с норвежскими партнерами[:]


The two-day Russian-Norwegian seminar on the development of cooperation in the field of civil shipbuilding, which was attended by representatives of more than 30 companies and organizations of the two countries, was hold on May 28-29, 2019 in Alesund (Norway). The main topics of the seminar were cooperation in the field of localization of solutions of Norwegian companies in Russia and cooperation in the field of innovation and high-tech solutions within the MARINET platform.

MARINET participants have presented their advanced solutions and projects, such as the e-Navigation pilot project (Kronstadt Technologies), Operational satellite services and analytics for the maritime industry (SCANEX),Integrated geophysical 3D mapping of seabed (Marine Innovations), Underwater positioning, navigation and communication (Laboratory of Underwater Communication and Navigation), (more…)

[:en]MARINET supported new innovative projects at the meeting on April 25[:ru]Новые проекты одобрены для поддержки на расширенном заседании Маринет[:]

[:en]At the MARINET Meeting on April 25 MARINET has approved new projects in digital navigation, innovative shipbuilding and ocean resources development technologies. Supported projects include Autonomous recreational small boats system IQBoat (Aurora Robotics Design Bureau), Compact individual rescue tool with a mechanism for extracting from the water (Energiya-Service LLC), Antifriction composite material based on a hybrid reinforcing material and polymeric thermosetting matrix of a new generation for friction units (Tribocomposite, PKF RADA), Engineering bottom seismic with for multi-wave seismic acoustic research in shallow water areas (Morgeocomplex LLC).

The IQBoat  project by Aurora Robotics is intended for creation of a system of several recreational vessels capable of autonomously sailing along specified routes and mooring remotely controlled from an onshore dispatching office. (more…)

[:en]MARINET and WWF intend to cooperate in the new eco-technologies[:ru]Маринет и WWF намерены сотрудничать в сфере новых эко-технологий[:]


MARINET and the Wildlife Fund (WWF) intend to collaborate on the development, use and testing of new environmental technologies. According to a representative of the Miron Borgulev Foundation, who spoke at the MARINET meeting, WWF is engaged in projects related to the development of special trawls with a reduced environmental impact, a system of trauma-free repellency of small feeders, automatic catch accounting systems, and the use of alternative types of marine fuels.  (more…)

[:en]Governmet will support computer simulation platform for unmanned navigation development[:ru]Государство поддержит платформу моделирования безэкипажного судовождения[:]

[:en]Government Commission for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia approved support of the project Technological platform to develop the unmanned navigation systems based on computer simulation in virtual environment. The total budget of the project is 6,75 million USD. The amount of state support will be 60% of the project budget.

Today the autonomous shipping technologies are the most promising trend in the development of the global maritime industry – both for the civilian fleet and for the Navy. Ships with a high degree of automation will allow to reduce the cost of the crew on board, which are 30-40% of the daily operating expenses of the vessel now – this is one of the key reserves for cost reduction by shipping companies. At the same time, these technologies will reduce the impact of the human factor, which is the main source of not only incidents in the field of shipping safety, but also economic losses associated with inefficient vessel management.  (more…)

[:en]MARINET Meeting in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the RAS on April 25[:ru]Расширенное заседание Маринет 25 апреля 2019 г. в Институте океанологии РАН[:]


The next MARINET Meeting will be held on April 25, 2019 in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The meeting will be open at 10:00, address: 36 Nakhimosky pr., Moscow (Main Hall Room).

The Agenda includes results and plans of the MARINET, organization of work to improve legislation, the center for import substitution, cooperation with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and review of the new projects applications.

For the registration at the meeting please use the link  https://leader-id.ru/event/19895/.

All materails will be available at the MARINET web site.

Video broadcasting will be available at https://ocean.ru/index.php/novosti-left/ob-yavleniya/item/1315-marinet-25-04-2019

Looking forward to meet you on April 25![:ru]Очередное расширенное заседание Рабочей группы Маринет состоится 25 апреля 2019 г. с 10:00 до 15:00. Место проведения: Москва, Институт океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН по адресу Нахимовский пр. 36 (Большой зал).

В повестке совещания: результаты и планы работы, организация работы по совершенствованию законодательства, о центре импортозамещения на базе ЦНИИ Курс, о сотрудничестве со Всемирным фондом дикой природы (WWF) и рассмотрение новых проектов Маринет.

Для предварительной регистрации просьба воспользоваться ссылкой https://leader-id.ru/event/19895/. (more…)

[:en]Updated MARINET Working Group of the National Technology Initiative[:ru]Обновлен состав Рабочей группы Маринет Национальной технологической инициативы[:]

[:en]MARINET Working Group of the National Technology Initiative is updated. Currently it includes 19 representatives of companies, research and esucation centers, government organizations and ministries:

1. S. Generalov, President of Industrial Investors Group, Chairman of the Working Group

2. O. Ryazantsev, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Co-Chairman of the Working Group

3. M. Barkasov, Project Manager of RVC, Executive Secretary of the Working Group

4. A. Pinskiy, General Director of Industry Association MARINET, Deputy Chairman of the WG, head of the Digital Navigation expert group (more…)

[:en]13th International Navigation Forum in Moscow Expo on 23-24 of April[:ru]XIII Международный навигационный форум состоится 22-24 апреля[:]

[:en]The 13th International Navigation Forum will be held in Moscow on April 23-24. This the central event of year in the field of the use of satellite navigation technologies in the Russian Federation and EAEU countries.

The main purpose of the Forum is to inform international audience about state policies in the field of the development and use of GLONASS technologies, to analyze technology and market trends of the navigation industry, including perspective directions of different kinds of unmanned transport, to discuss a status and development prospects of products and services using navigation technologies, as well as opportunities for international collaboration and cooperation in the field of navigation activities. (more…)