[:en]Governmet will support computer simulation platform for unmanned navigation development[:ru]Государство поддержит платформу моделирования безэкипажного судовождения[:]
[:en]Government Commission for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia approved support of the project Technological platform to develop the unmanned navigation systems based on computer simulation in virtual environment. The total budget of the project is 6,75 million USD. The amount of state support will be 60% of the project budget.
Today the autonomous shipping technologies are the most promising trend in the development of the global maritime industry – both for the civilian fleet and for the Navy. Ships with a high degree of automation will allow to reduce the cost of the crew on board, which are 30-40% of the daily operating expenses of the vessel now – this is one of the key reserves for cost reduction by shipping companies. At the same time, these technologies will reduce the impact of the human factor, which is the main source of not only incidents in the field of shipping safety, but also economic losses associated with inefficient vessel management. (more…)