[:en]Governmet will support computer simulation platform for unmanned navigation development[:ru]Государство поддержит платформу моделирования безэкипажного судовождения[:]

[:en]Government Commission for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia approved support of the project Technological platform to develop the unmanned navigation systems based on computer simulation in virtual environment. The total budget of the project is 6,75 million USD. The amount of state support will be 60% of the project budget.

Today the autonomous shipping technologies are the most promising trend in the development of the global maritime industry – both for the civilian fleet and for the Navy. Ships with a high degree of automation will allow to reduce the cost of the crew on board, which are 30-40% of the daily operating expenses of the vessel now – this is one of the key reserves for cost reduction by shipping companies. At the same time, these technologies will reduce the impact of the human factor, which is the main source of not only incidents in the field of shipping safety, but also economic losses associated with inefficient vessel management.  (more…)

[:en]Updated MARINET Working Group of the National Technology Initiative[:ru]Обновлен состав Рабочей группы Маринет Национальной технологической инициативы[:]

[:en]MARINET Working Group of the National Technology Initiative is updated. Currently it includes 19 representatives of companies, research and esucation centers, government organizations and ministries:

1. S. Generalov, President of Industrial Investors Group, Chairman of the Working Group

2. O. Ryazantsev, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Co-Chairman of the Working Group

3. M. Barkasov, Project Manager of RVC, Executive Secretary of the Working Group

4. A. Pinskiy, General Director of Industry Association MARINET, Deputy Chairman of the WG, head of the Digital Navigation expert group (more…)

[:en]29 applications are supported during the UMNIC contest final[:ru]В финале конкурса УМНИК жюри поддержало 29 заявок[:]

[:en] On December 21, JSC “United Shipbuilding Corporation” traditionally hosted the final selection of the UMNIC program in the MARINET areas. The UMNIC program of the Fund for the Promotion of Innovation is aimed at supporting commercially oriented scientific and technical projects of young researchers. Within the program, the Foundation provides grants for scientific research carried out by specialists aged 18 to 30 years.

This year, over 60 applications from more than 10 regions were submitted to the correspondence stage of the competition, 40 of them were selected for the final competition stage.

According to the results of the research projects presentations, 29 applications are supported by the jury. The juri includes experts of MARINET, JSC “USC”, the Fund for the Promotion of Innovation and NTI. (more…)

[:en]Electromagnetic sounding technology was presented at the forum in Portugal[:ru]Ученые ИРНИТУ представили на форуме в Португалии технологии электроразведки[:]

[:en]Scientists from Irkutsk National Research Techical Institute Yuriy Davydenko and Denis Bogdanovic presented at the international forum  Near Surface Geoscience-2018 the technology for electromagnetic sounding in engineering survey and search of hydrocarbons.

At the exhibition stand, the results of two expeditions were presented: shipboard tests of the unified software and hardware complex “MPAC-3D-ELECTRO”. The works were held last summer in the Black Sea in the framework of the MARINET project. The “MPAC-3D-ELECTRO” power source and the measuring station are installed on the ship, and the generator and receiving braids are towed behind the vessel, triggering and recording electromagnetic pulses that transmit information about the structure of the seabed. Such measuring electromagnetic systems have been successfully used for several years by specialists of the Siberian Geophysical Company to search for hydrocarbons on the Russian Arctic shelf. (more…)

[:en]Students from Nizhny Novgorod won gold at the IYIA 2018 contest in Indonesia[:ru]Нижегородские школьники завоевали золото на конкурсе IYIA 2018 в Индонезии[:]

[:en]Russian students won 12 gold and 5 silver medals at the 5th International Young Inventors Award – IYIA 2018. Grand Prix with a cash prize was received by Alexander Dudkov from Nizhny Novgorod, a representative of the Nizhny Novgorod Children’s Shipping Company, for the project of “Sail-Wing”, a robotic ship model for autonomous monitoring of water areas powered by wind and sun .

Gold medal was awarded to another Nizhny Novgorod student – Vladimir Krupa for the Eco-Boat project: autonomous vehicle to collect garbage from the surface of the water areas. (more…)

[:en]Russia announced a series of projects in the field of unmanned navigation[:ru]Россия заявила о серии пилотных проектов в области безэкипажного судоходства[:]

[:en]In the framework of the international exhibition SMM in Hamburg,  MARINET hosted the international conference dedicated to the most promising technologies for the maritime industry, which was attended by companies and research centers from different countries of the world.

The conference program included panel discussions on digital navigation and unmanned vessels, as well as a pitch session on the marine robotics.

During the conference, Alexey Donskoy, Director of Engineering Center of Shipbuilding (ECS) told about the successful creation of unmanned boats by SPE AME and the conversion of the developed technologies for the civil shipbuilding. ECS in cooperation with AME plans to start in 2018 and 2019 a number of pilot projects to test autonomous and remote control vessels: sea/river bulk cargo ship, a small-tonnage tanker,  a ferry and an icebreaker.


[:en]Results of MARINET projects selection within the FPI programs are announced[:ru]Завершены конкурсы Фонда поддержки инноваций по направлению Маринет в 2018 г.[:]

[:en]The Foundation for Promotion of Innovations has completed the selection of MARINET projects within the framework of the programs of  “Development-NTI” and “Start-NTI”. The competition committee of the “Development-NTI” program and the jury of the “Start-NTI” contest supported, respectively, 18 and 6 applications.

This year the most of the R&D projects supported within the “Development-NTI” program are in the field of technologies for the ocean resources development – the means for exploration and monitoring of marine resources, as well as maritime robotics. They inlcude the Unmanned platform for performing hydrographic works, Robotic Search and Rescue System, Marine unmanned robotic device for geological and geophysical data collection, Multifunctional hydroacoustic scanner, Marine magnetic gradiometer and magnetometer, Multichannel electroprospecting streamer for marine engineering surveys and others. (more…)

[:en]The finalists of the GenerationS in the MARINET nomination are selected[:ru]Определены финалисты GenerationS в номинации Маринет[:]

[:en]On April 27 the final of the Federal Accelerator of technological startups GenerationS was held in Moscow. This year for the first time the participants competed in the special nomination MARINET.

The finalists of the nomination were five participants:
• Yochting (Moscow) – yochting.com platform, which unites participants of the yacht charter market in a single interface;
• Hydro Tower (St. Petersburg) – sea-based hydroelectric power station of cyclone type;
• ProFiShip (Kaliningrad) – smart factory for non-waste processing of fish raw materials;
• Fish Fur (Novosibirsk) – eco technologies of fish wastes processing and
• Distributed Fiber-Optic Hydroacoustic Sensor (St. Petersburg). (more…)

[:en]MARINET’s Roadmap on improving legislation has been approved[:ru]Одобрена “дорожная карта” Маринет по совершенствованию законодательства[:]

[:en]The roadmap developed by the MARINET and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia to improve legislation and remove administrative barriers has been approved by the Government of Russia. The roadmap is aimed at creating conditions for promotion of new products and services to the market, support of new types of business activities, applying new business models, and stimulating the advanced implementation of high technologies in the maritime industry.

The implementation of the roadmap supposes the support of activities of the government authorities, companies, public organizations to implement initiatives aimed at promising technological markets of the global maritime industry: digital navigation (e-Navigation), ocean resources development technologies and innovative shipbuilding. (more…)

[:en]The third stage of the Development-NTI program is open[:ru]Открыта третья очередь конкурса “Развитие-НТИ”[:]

[:en]On April 6 the third stage of the “Development-NTI” Program by the Fund for the Promotion of Innovations was opened. Within the framework of the program the projects for R&D aimed at the MARINET key directions will be selected and supported.

Applications should be submitted before May 21, 2018. The projects should be aimed at the priority topics approved by MARINET taking into account technological barriers. The current list of the MARINET topics include:

1. Solutions for autonomous navigation, including navigation, radar and optical software and hardware systems

2. Solutions for gathering operational data on the ecological and hydrophysical situation in the World Ocean, equipped with a system of operational data transmission

3. Technologies and means of detection and monitoring, incl. systems of technical vision and visualization

4. Solutions for geological and geophysical prospecting on the seabed

5. Underwater wireless communication (more…)