Marine Magnetometer MariMag

MariMag is high-sensitive, precise and compact system for magnetic surveys both in shallow and deep waters. Precise Overhauser MariMag sensor provides stable operations without any maintenance in a ten-year period.

Built-in compass, accelerometer, leakage detector, pressure and humidity sensors allow us to control the fish position and switch it off in case of the flow. (more…)

Multifunctional hydroacoustic scanner (MHS)

The project is intended for implementing of the roadmap towards the development of the advanced underwater robotics used for the inspection of hydro technical facilities (HTF) and emergency risk assessment.

NPP “Fort XXI” proposes an innovative multifunctional hardware and software complex providing a comprehensive assessment of the technical condition of HTF underwater constructions for the safety declaration. The complex provides rapid high-resolution control of the underwater dam parts.

MHS implements the original technology of hydroacoustic surveying using the special vessel moving near the surveyed surface along the cable support. It allows to achieve the required detail at the investigation of deep-seated hydraulic structures (more than 40-50 m). (more…)

Distributed fiber-optic hydroacoustic sensor

The fiber-optic sensor being developed represents a distributed phase array of hydroacoustic signals. It will be exploited as a towed seismic streamer in active marine seismic survey and as an ocean bottom seismic system for acquisition of microseismic events at underwater exploration of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Its long fiber-optic cable acts as a set of sequential sensing elements and simultaneously represents the data collection line.

The system consists of three main parts, which are being developed in collaboration of different profile companies. The first part is hardware located on the surface, which includes optical, electronic and digital subsystems. The hardware part is being developed by our company. The second part is the actual sensing element of the system. It is a specially designed fiber-optic cable having a complex structure, which was given directional properties in space. And the third one is the software allowing to conduct digital signal processing in real time and also to automate analysis and interpretation of collected information. (more…)

Project “MPC-3D” for 3D modeling and areal survey of sea-bed is supported by NTI

New MARINET project is supported by NTI – Development of multi-purpose software-hardware complex for 3D modeling and areal survey of sea-bed for the purpose of mineral resources exploration and engineering-geological support for the construction of underwater structures. The project budget is 15 MUSD including 8,25 MUSD of government support within the NTI.

A multi-purpose hardware-software complex is developed by Marine Innovarion Ltd. for high-precision 3D modeling of sea-bed structure for the purpose of mineral resources exploration and monitoring, as well as for for conduction of engineer-surveys on the shelf consisting of the following inter-related modules:


New 20 projects are approved by MARINET during the meeting in Nizhny Novgorod

The MARINET Meeting in an expanded format, which was attended by more than 100 representatives of leading companies, scientific centers and universities of the marine industry, as well as government agencies and development institutions, was held February 28 in the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev. The practice of regional MARINET meetings is aimed at attracting new participants projects at the expense of representatives of the regions. Nizhny Novgorod, which is one of the leading centers of Russian shipbuilding, information technology and instrumentation, has become a new step in the regional development of MARINET. (more…)

Marine Optical Sensors of Bioparticles on the Base of DHC-technology of Ьeasurement

Developing set of sensors is based on DHC-technique (Digital Holographic Camera). DHC-technology provides registration, measurement, recognition and classification of suspended particles of different origin including biological ones in the habitat. DHC sensors are targeted on hydrobiological measurements in situ with obtaining information in real time and using of modern communication channels and different media.


Marineo. Automatic ship navigation’s systems based on the operational analysis of complex data

Marineo Co. Ltd. was founded in late 2015 and become the resident of the Skolkovo Foundation. The Company’s main profile is development of   automatic ship navigation’s systems based on the operational analysis of complex data.

Company offered products depending on the situation and the user’s wishes, gives a flexible approach in  selection of criteria such as transition route based on  safety, speed and cost. The choice of priority control to prevent danger in routes  of transportation and situations which could be  directly delegated or shared between the carrier ship-owner, the captain and the program producer. (more…)

Multifrequency traverse-scan sonar for monitoring of marine bioresources in shallow water on technologies of nonlinear acoustics (MTSS)

Multifrequency traverse-scan sonar for monitoring marine bioresources in shallow water using nonlinear acoustics technologies (MTSS) is intended for horizontal location of fish accumulations and single fishes, monitoring of marine bioresources in adverse search and fishing conditions of shallow water.

MTSS is intended for consumers conducting research (search, detection, monitoring, evaluation) and catch of marine bioresources in inland waters and on the offshore shelf.

Currently, only echo sounders (vertical location) are used to detect and monitor bioresources in shallow water. The scanned area of the water space in the echo sounders is very limited. At shallow depths, when the vessel moves, the “scaring effect” has a significant effect on fish behavior. Devices of horizontal location (“conventional” sonars) with a large field of scan are extremely inefficient due to reverberation and multiple reflections of acoustic signals from the bottom and the surface. (more…)