[:en]Competition for sustainable ocean development projects is open for application[:ru]Открыт конкурс проектов в области устойчивого развития океана[:]


The Skolkovo Foundation in partnership with the “Marine Innovations” company is launching a project competition “UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 14 – Conservation of Marine Ecosystems” for companies and teams specializing in artificial intelligence technologies in the maritime industry.

Applications for participation are accepted until August 18 inclusive https://skai.sk.ru/nominacii/nominaciya-ot-partnera-morskie-innovacii/. (more…)

[:en]MARINET is developing cooperation with Norwegian partners[:ru]Маринет развивает сотрудничество с норвежскими партнерами[:]


The two-day Russian-Norwegian seminar on the development of cooperation in the field of civil shipbuilding, which was attended by representatives of more than 30 companies and organizations of the two countries, was hold on May 28-29, 2019 in Alesund (Norway). The main topics of the seminar were cooperation in the field of localization of solutions of Norwegian companies in Russia and cooperation in the field of innovation and high-tech solutions within the MARINET platform.

MARINET participants have presented their advanced solutions and projects, such as the e-Navigation pilot project (Kronstadt Technologies), Operational satellite services and analytics for the maritime industry (SCANEX),Integrated geophysical 3D mapping of seabed (Marine Innovations), Underwater positioning, navigation and communication (Laboratory of Underwater Communication and Navigation), (more…)

[:en]MARINET and WWF intend to cooperate in the new eco-technologies[:ru]Маринет и WWF намерены сотрудничать в сфере новых эко-технологий[:]


MARINET and the Wildlife Fund (WWF) intend to collaborate on the development, use and testing of new environmental technologies. According to a representative of the Miron Borgulev Foundation, who spoke at the MARINET meeting, WWF is engaged in projects related to the development of special trawls with a reduced environmental impact, a system of trauma-free repellency of small feeders, automatic catch accounting systems, and the use of alternative types of marine fuels.  (more…)

[:en]Results of MARINET projects selection within the FPI programs are announced[:ru]Завершены конкурсы Фонда поддержки инноваций по направлению Маринет в 2018 г.[:]

[:en]The Foundation for Promotion of Innovations has completed the selection of MARINET projects within the framework of the programs of  “Development-NTI” and “Start-NTI”. The competition committee of the “Development-NTI” program and the jury of the “Start-NTI” contest supported, respectively, 18 and 6 applications.

This year the most of the R&D projects supported within the “Development-NTI” program are in the field of technologies for the ocean resources development – the means for exploration and monitoring of marine resources, as well as maritime robotics. They inlcude the Unmanned platform for performing hydrographic works, Robotic Search and Rescue System, Marine unmanned robotic device for geological and geophysical data collection, Multifunctional hydroacoustic scanner, Marine magnetic gradiometer and magnetometer, Multichannel electroprospecting streamer for marine engineering surveys and others. (more…)

[:en]UPDATED: MARINET Meeting on November 29[:ru]НОВАЯ ДАТА: Расширенное совещание Маринет состоится 29 ноября[:]

[:en]The MARINET meeting will be held on November 29, 2017 at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Please note the updated time and place!

The meeting address: Moscow, Obraztsova street 9/9, GUK-1. Opening time is 10:00. The event is free to attend, for advannced registration please follow the link https://leader-id.ru/event/5469/

1. MARINET plans
2. New MARINET Projects (more…)

[:en]First international agreements are signed by MARINET in China[:ru]Первые международные соглашения в рамках Маринет подписаны на форуме в Китае[:]

[:en]The first international business mission in the MARINET history has been succesfully completed with signing of four agreements and more than 10 MoI. MARINET projects to be placed in CTEX (China technology exchange), MARINET participants have estableshed direct links with Chinese partners while MARINET will continue active development of international cooperation and promotion in China and in other countries.


[:en]Marine Optical Sensors of Bioparticles on the Base of DHC-technology of Ьeasurement[:ru]Морские оптические сенсоры биочастиц на основе DHC-технологии измерений[:]

[:en]Developing set of sensors is based on DHC-technique (Digital Holographic Camera). DHC-technology provides registration, measurement, recognition and classification of suspended particles of different origin including biological ones in the habitat. DHC sensors are targeted on hydrobiological measurements in situ with obtaining information in real time and using of modern communication channels and different media.


[:en]ProFiShip – Technology for high value protein and fat extraction from fish[:ru]ProFiShip – Технология получения высококачественного протеина и жиров из вторичного рыбного и морского сырья[:]

[:en]Our technology for high value protein and fat extraction from fish and other marine processing by-products allows companies to produce high value products and generate additional revenue equal to 200-1000 € from 1 metric ton of by-products.With our technology your company will improve its profitability, capacity load factor, sustainability and create new jobs.

Main products

1. Protein (Fish Protein Hydrolysate) for food & feed additive as well as biotech applications:
i. Dry granulate with protein content > 90%, minerals < 4-5%, fat < 1%, dry matter > 97%, high value protein for food/feed additives and biotech applications
ii. Fluid concentrate with protein content > 50% for feed applications (pigs, breeding sows, ducks, geese etc.) (more…)

[:en]Multifrequency traverse-scan sonar for monitoring of marine bioresources in shallow water on technologies of nonlinear acoustics (MTSS)[:ru]Многочастотный гидролокатор траверзного обзора для мониторинга морских биоресурсов на мелководье по технологиям нелинейной акустики (МГТО)[:]

[:en]Multifrequency traverse-scan sonar for monitoring marine bioresources in shallow water using nonlinear acoustics technologies (MTSS) is intended for horizontal location of fish accumulations and single fishes, monitoring of marine bioresources in adverse search and fishing conditions of shallow water.

MTSS is intended for consumers conducting research (search, detection, monitoring, evaluation) and catch of marine bioresources in inland waters and on the offshore shelf.

Currently, only echo sounders (vertical location) are used to detect and monitor bioresources in shallow water. The scanned area of the water space in the echo sounders is very limited. At shallow depths, when the vessel moves, the “scaring effect” has a significant effect on fish behavior. Devices of horizontal location (“conventional” sonars) with a large field of scan are extremely inefficient due to reverberation and multiple reflections of acoustic signals from the bottom and the surface. (more…)

[:en]Simulator complex – TRAWL[:ru]Тренажерный комплекс – ТРАЛ[:]

[:en]The simulator complex has been designed to solve a wide range of tasks related to numerical simulations, design and management of the trawl complex, maintenance of a document database, design and mathematical models of trawl complex elements, training journals and programmes, topology of fishing grounds (maps of fishing areas), commercial schedule (command placement) and access to the database. (more…)