Сhina-Russia symposium on hydroacoustics and information technologies – Nov, 28, 2020

A joint conference of Russian and Chinese scientists, engineers and companies dedicated to hydroacoustic and information technologies will be held on November 28 and 29 in a combined face-to-face and remote format.

The conference is organized by Harbin University of Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University and MARINET with the organizational support of the Department of Informatics of the Committee of the State Science Foundation of China.

To participate in the conference in a remote format, please use the Zoom video conference:
number: 874 9137 2334
password: 378208

The conference will be open on November 28 at 8:00 (Beijing time), the conference program is presented below.


Applications for the competition “UMNIK-Marinet” for young scientists is open

The Foundation for Support of Innovations and MARINET announces the opening of accepting applications for the UMNIK-Marinet competition. Students, graduate students, young scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs and employees of high-tech companies aged 18 to 30 can take part in the competition. The winners of the “UMNIK-Marinet” competition will receive a grant of 500 thousand rubles for two years.


Competition for sustainable ocean development projects is open for application

The Skolkovo Foundation in partnership with the “Marine Innovations” company is launching a project competition “UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 14 – Conservation of Marine Ecosystems” for companies and teams specializing in artificial intelligence technologies in the maritime industry.

Applications for participation are accepted until August 18 inclusive https://skai.sk.ru/nominacii/nominaciya-ot-partnera-morskie-innovacii/. (more…)

Autonomous and Remote Navigation Trial Project starts wide autonomous navigation

Autonomous and Remote Navigation Trial Project (ARNTP) is implemented as a part of the “MARINET” roadmap of the National Technology Initiative with support by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, with the involvement of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

The strategic aim of the project is the establishment of technical and legal conditions for the wide maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) operation by shipping companies under the flag of Russian Federation from 2021 January and in any other country which will be ready to follow our approach.

Mikhail Ulyanov by SCFPola Anfisa by Pola Group

Rabochaya by Rosmorport
Ships participating in ARNTP: Mikhail Ulyanov by SCF, Pola Anfisa by Pola Group, Rabochaya within dredging caravan by Rosmorport

MARINET is developing cooperation with Norwegian partners

The two-day Russian-Norwegian seminar on the development of cooperation in the field of civil shipbuilding, which was attended by representatives of more than 30 companies and organizations of the two countries, was hold on May 28-29, 2019 in Alesund (Norway). The main topics of the seminar were cooperation in the field of localization of solutions of Norwegian companies in Russia and cooperation in the field of innovation and high-tech solutions within the MARINET platform.

MARINET participants have presented their advanced solutions and projects, such as the e-Navigation pilot project (Kronstadt Technologies), Operational satellite services and analytics for the maritime industry (SCANEX),Integrated geophysical 3D mapping of seabed (Marine Innovations), Underwater positioning, navigation and communication (Laboratory of Underwater Communication and Navigation), (more…)

Electromagnetic sounding technology was presented at the forum in Portugal

Scientists from Irkutsk National Research Techical Institute Yuriy Davydenko and Denis Bogdanovic presented at the international forum  Near Surface Geoscience-2018 the technology for electromagnetic sounding in engineering survey and search of hydrocarbons.

At the exhibition stand, the results of two expeditions were presented: shipboard tests of the unified software and hardware complex “MPAC-3D-ELECTRO”. The works were held last summer in the Black Sea in the framework of the MARINET project. The “MPAC-3D-ELECTRO” power source and the measuring station are installed on the ship, and the generator and receiving braids are towed behind the vessel, triggering and recording electromagnetic pulses that transmit information about the structure of the seabed. Such measuring electromagnetic systems have been successfully used for several years by specialists of the Siberian Geophysical Company to search for hydrocarbons on the Russian Arctic shelf. (more…)

Results of MARINET projects selection within the FPI programs are announced

The Foundation for Promotion of Innovations has completed the selection of MARINET projects within the framework of the programs of  “Development-NTI” and “Start-NTI”. The competition committee of the “Development-NTI” program and the jury of the “Start-NTI” contest supported, respectively, 18 and 6 applications.

This year the most of the R&D projects supported within the “Development-NTI” program are in the field of technologies for the ocean resources development – the means for exploration and monitoring of marine resources, as well as maritime robotics. They inlcude the Unmanned platform for performing hydrographic works, Robotic Search and Rescue System, Marine unmanned robotic device for geological and geophysical data collection, Multifunctional hydroacoustic scanner, Marine magnetic gradiometer and magnetometer, Multichannel electroprospecting streamer for marine engineering surveys and others. (more…)

MARINET Conference at the International Far Eastern Maritime Show

On July 28, 2018 in Vladivistok (Russky Island) MARINET is hosting the International Conference within the International Far Eastern Maritime Show. The conference is dedicated to the international cooperation and promotion of high technologies for the maritime industry, development of links between high tech companies, scientific and educational centers of Asia Pacific region as well as other countries.

The conference will be open at 10:00 in the Morskoy ConferenceRoom (the building B of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show). Registration is open from 9:00.

The conference program is available at the International Far Eastern Maritime Show web site. It includes four sections and the open meeting of the Far Eastern MARINET working group: (more…)

R&D works within Development-NTI Program are presented at the conference in Novorossiysk

On 17 October 2017, Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University hosted the regional conference of MARINET in Novorossiysk. Among traditional issues for the regional conference the participants reviewed preliminary results of 20 R&D works developed within the framework of Development-NTI Program.

The regional conference gathered over 30 participants including representatives of Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, regional companies and organizations as well as MARINET experts.
